Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 3: Shinjuku, Harajuku, Shibuya

Woke up late this morning and was bout noon before we managed to get out. As we got off the train in Shinjuku, Hei realised that he had forgotten his wallet and we went back to the inn.

So by the time we reached Shinjuku for the second time, it was 3pm and we were hungry.

Food No 12:Beef Rice Bowl with Egg

We found another emall eatery that you order from a vending maching again -good cos then we dont have to struggle with ordering in japanese/english. We order 2 beef bowl set and it came with a raw egg. After observing what people do, we follow suit. Crack the egg into a saucer, add some soy sauce and add into your beef bowl. I must say, I not a fan of raw eggs but what the heck right? I am in Japan, so do what Japanese do. It was not bad at all.

We walked around shinjuku for a bit, entered Takashimaya and found everything too expensive.

So we decided to head o Shibuya. Along the way, the train stopped in Harajuku , i asked Hei to alight so we can explore the weird place thats Harajuku. There must be like 1000 people at the station, there were even police doing crowd control!!!

Food No. 13: Soba Set with Rice

We liked the one from yesterday so much that we found another store that served similar. It was delish and cheap.

Food No. 14: Sushi

Bad Idea. For me anyway. I was already suffering from a splitting headache and the taste and smell of tis one particular raw prawn like sushi tipped me over the edge,. I was sick.

So I am gonna stop blogging here. My head is going split open and I am not wearing my specs, so god knows Im typing properly now.....

Super Nihon Rating for the day: 6/10 --> I am really having a badddd headache, but Harajuku was funnnnn

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