Monday, October 25, 2004

First Entry

Blacks and me decided to start this blog also dunno for what. Although we are in different country at the moment, we talk everyday. So there is basically nothing that I do in my day that he won't know. Anyway this is something for him to read and then add his quotes...then when we accumulate enough qoutes and ideologies, we will publish a book.

I reckon lets start with a little history. Blacks and I have been dating since March we have been together for about slightly more than 7 months. Friends will know that we are going great. I am really in love / lust...etc....We first met when he came back in summer to work on this thesis. First thought was " people so tall so black or not!?!?!!?"....I moved into the flat next to his with my friends Emily and Mel. Smartest thing I did. House is/was crap, who I met and fell for next door was better than great. It wasn't love at first sight at all, but he certainly caught my eye. I actually dun really know how we got to being friends. It has something to do with curry puff I think. But then we got to pretty close friends and then things heated up. So now here we are, set for life? There may be a lot of uncertainty in the world, but I'll bet my money on this. I'll bet my life on this. I miss my baby....he makes me laugh like noone....*sob sob*

Just came back dinner with ying ying...we went to City Garden. When I leave Perth, that is one of the places I will miss man. Food's good....Famosa also...But I wun crave for BBT in Singapore...Its a Perth thing.

Finally finish my Asian Studies essay, "Discuss the CMIO multiracialism in Singapore'. I wonder why they ask me to do essays. Its not like I will come up with a totally new concept. I am simply paraphrasing what scholars have research in the past. Sometimes I really dun understand why people bother to study so much. I have mixed feelings about school...not sure whether I really enjoy it.

Anyway better go work on the stoopid SM assignment....Claudia Amonini....u suck!

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