Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Xiaohei's Sick

2.15am and finally our Strategic Marketing Project is almost done. Phew...finally all my projects are done and ready to submit. Submitted my Asian Studies today. Had a read through before I submit and I think its kinda crap.

Anyway, my baby is sick. I only manage to speak to him briefly twice today. Tried calling him just now at about 1am-ish but noone pick up so I reckon he must be fast asleep. I hope he gets better soon. He must get well and take care of himself so that he can take care of me. I feel a little bad for not being able to be there and take care of him. If only someone invented the teleportation machine already. *bang!* and you are somewhere. Why hasnt anyone invented it? FYI, just want to make it public so that its kinda a legally binding contract. Xiaohei and I have agree on who should die first. He is NOT ALLOWED to die before me. I will die first then he promise to die of a brokenheart. Like machiam act taiwan drama series. But really I won't be able to handle him dying first. Who is gonna take care of me then? Who is gonna talk to me and keep me company? So Baby...take care of urself.

Received a really funny sms from my er-jie. She said that my stupid dog joey ate 'leftover' shit from the previous night and vomitted the next morning or something. It is kinda gross I know..Thinking about it makes me kinda sick.

Suddenly miss Jessie very very much. We talked about the whole topic of marriage and all and I hope somewhere in the near future I hear wedding bells ringing for her. I AM TO BE THE BRIDESMAID K!!!??? Well, she will be mine bridesmaid should I have any...how many should I have?

To ponder upon that question, I decided to go to bed now and think about it deeply....

Muacks baby!! Call me tomorrow k!?

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