Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Time to say my piece...

Well, this blog has been up for quite a while now, and I reckon its time to say my bit...
I am spending a whole lot of time in camp, i kinda think I am the security guard of the vacinity. But well... its kinda peaceful at night and it is a nice place to clear thoughts.

Anyway, my involvement in this is just to pop in with an interesting quote or 2 every once in a while... Ying is the more patient of the two of us... she will do the updating. Besides, a simpleton like me normally dont have much thoughts. haha... leave the reflections to the experts... Besides, if I am not allowed to die first, I need to preserve as much brain cell as I can.

Ying is having her exams, and I think this time she is really nervous about it. Not surprising, I mean, after all, this is the LAST exam that she is gonna sit for in her uni life. I have been there, and I tell you, its not a nice place to be in.

Baby, "U KEN DO IT!" dont worry ok? I'm rooting for u back home.

33 more days and counting

Enough said, the first quote that I have for this blog is
"Expect the unexpected, so that when the unexpected comes, its expected "
(love this one during 2/98 GCC. really never know what to expect... )

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