Friday, October 29, 2004

Hormonal Inbalance

Damn exams are making my hormones levels run all over the place. A while I am happy then the next second I am sad and unhappy. Does anyone know how to treat hormonal inbalance? At this current moment, I feel unreasonable. I want to be unreasonable and I feel I deserve to be unreasonable. Although at this current moment I don't mean it, I am sorry to Xiaohei. He is bearing the entire weight of my damn exams stress.

Attended my last and final tutorial of my entire university life. I AM LOST!!!! What am I gonna do now on Wednesday from 9-12, Thursdays from 3-4 and Fridays from 10-11? This is ridiculous! A total upheaval of normality. I simply cannot accept this.

Its 3.20pm, I havent had lunch. Im hungry but I refuse to eat. Dinner will be coming soon. So for the current moment, I shall just be hungry and GRUMPY.

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