Last week, 5 of us (the gohs, us and willie) drove down to Washington Zoo. Now, this zoo is amazing. Firstly because its FREE. Secondly, its HUGE. And THEY HAVE PANDAS.
But this I gotta admit, there is probably a reason why Singapore make you pay an arm and a leg for entrance to the zoo. While the DC Zoo was great, we didn't really see a lot of animals. I dunno, maybe we were just unlucky. Actually we were, but I'll tell u in a bit. Most of the animals were 'non-existent' or sleeping. Or you need sniper eyes (thanks Willie) to spot them.
The panda was breath taking though, and we were lucky enough to be at the enclosure just as Tian Tian (the male panda) woke from his nap and walked around his enclosure a bit before going into the back room (not visible to public) to probably sleep more. But I felt a little cheated by the zoo volunteer who said that the other 2 pandas are roaming around at the other enclosure if we just walk down the road. After walking down and saw nothing, willie came back to a empty tian tian enclosure and realised the zoo volunteer was probably just regurgitating a script. Cos she was saying the exact same thing!!
Now, lemme tell you why luck wasnt with us. Firstly, about 15 mins into the drive towards DC, Sihou's suddenly realise there is no petrol in the car! And the petrol sign came on!!!! I suffer from petrol anxiety, by that i mean i get nervous when petrol runs low ie, 1/4 tank. So seeing that petrol sign was just nerve wrecking for me. But well, it was an Audi and he said it should last us til DC so i just try to focus on other things.
Then, we have had lovely weather all week. Cool and breezy, cold even some days. But somehow on the day we decided to go to the was freaking 40C and the sun was blistering!
After the zoo, we sat our scalding ass down at a Malaysian restaurant. Not before making about 3 wrong turns and 10 mins spent looking for parking. By that time, I was hungry and we were all looking forward to good local food. But it was a let down. My mee goreng was bland and not spicy at all, willie's beef hor fun was just oily, hei's curry laksa tasted like indian curry.
One fun thing happened tho. We gatecrashed a open house at Georgetown University. Entered one of their function halls where they were serving food, and helped ourselves to the refreshing
It was fun being back in school again.
1 comment:
I OSO WANNA SEE TIAN TIAN!!! did you take foto? cute or not?
wah so hot ah that day go zoo...definately not a very lucky petrol,bad food....but very any-o-how....go and drink lemonade...hahahah...oh well...who cares?
it is very hot here too...wanna melt oredi....
post tian tian foto okay?
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