Sunday, December 13, 2009

The little things

I just watching Asian Food Channel and they were showing the program "One night with Daniel Boulud". Apparently he is some top chef and he was here in Singapore for the first time.

While I was watching the program, the program featured other chef including one that is close to my heart, Chef Cristof (not sure if I spelt it correctly).

About 10 years ago, I was an intern at a small event company. One of the events I helped out was a dinner held at Ritz Carlton. At the event, I was really busy and didnt get any dinner at all. Chef Christof came by once to my event at around 8.00pm to make sure the dinner was going well, our eyes met and he asked if I had eaten. I shooked my head and said I have been busy working.

15 mins later, a hotel staff came by to the reception desk where I was with a steaming bowl of Wanton Noodles Soup. I have been fairly hungry but just didnt have time to eat or have anything to eat. I told the hotel staff that I didnt order any food (and was worried because with the meagre $500 montly "salary", I couldnt afford what could easily be $20 wanton mee").

"Compliments from Chef Christof"

I had tears in my eyes and I couldnt believe what could possibly be the executive chef of the hotel that he cared if I had eaten or not. I finished every strand of noodles, every drop of soup and every piece of wanton. It was the best I have ever eaten.

Chef Cristof came by again at around 9ish to make sure that the noodles was delivered to me. I thanked him and for that moment, wanted to even marry him. Mrs Christof wouldnt be that bad right?

Sometimes isnt it just the smallest gesture that touches your heart?

1 comment:

elin said...

Who is this chef? Reading this just made me tear up. Maybe you should send him an email.