Friday, October 29, 2004

I am feeling so much better.....
Went to relieve some frustration by cooking fried rice and came up with a poem
Posted by Hello
Today I fried some rice
Im sure its better than nice
My fried rice is tasty
and I am not nasty
My fried rice has everything
Chicken, onions and something
Now I teach you how to cook
And you better bettter look
First the onions and the egg
I am not pulling your leg
Then the chicken and the pea
And then you jump into the sea
For you fry and fry and fry non-stop
and then the floor u have to mop
So try my rice its very nice
and welcome to fried rice paradise!
Oh god, I cant believe how funny I am! I fried 5 tubs of rice as well....Ooooo another 5 meals.

1 comment:

elin said...

WAH! Talented huh, can fried rice and then can write poem about frying rice !!