Thursday, August 11, 2005

Now...that the party has ended.

Hmmm, back to reality. The National day party is over. All things go back to normal.

Oh before I forget, my humble boyfriend forgot to mention this in his last entry. I am proud to announce that Mr Blacks or TKL...recevied the award of Honour Graduate in his recent course. In laymen terms, I think he gotten 3rd place. Woohoo!!!!

Right. Reality. As I am sitting here pondering over my jobless state again. I can't help but wonder what I was brought to this world for? What is my true calling? What is the special task that GOD place me on? I was watching OPRAH (god bless that black woman!) just this afternoon and she featured the segment going out of your zone where people do something outta of the ordinary for them. A university lecturer became a strip dancer for 1 month. A interior designer traded lives with a 19 year old fish seller and a man petrified of the ocean went diving in the Bahama amond sharks.

"Live your life like it was the last day'"

I began to wonder what I would do. Close family and friends who knows me well, knows that I wanna be an actress. A model. Although I doubt my abilities and capabilities, but I think its more about me not having the guts to put myself forward and try.

My biggest fear in life is rejection.

How do I overcome this?

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