Tuesday, August 16, 2005

You have been unsuccessful

Oh well, at least I tried. But I think Im not too disappointed by the fact that I got rejected, I am more dejected by the fact that I have to continue my hunt for a job. To think something so near can be so far. Thats tough.

But all is not lost I guess, although I might not have learnt a lot from this interview experience. I haven't really understand what they are looking for. But I made some friends during this short period of time. I guess having gone through the same process, we understand each other feelings and emotions. So for those that didn't make it, IT'S THEIR LOST! And for those who did, GOOD LUCK!!!! I wish everyone all the best.

I can't sleep. Blacks is currently happily in dreamy land. But I can't sleep. Not sure why. Just have things on my mind. Nothing significant. Just stuff.

Blacks and I saw the flat that I want. Tampines Ave 6.

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