After a romantic Christmas holiday in Europe, this couple has now more love in the inventory. 2011 will be one filled with love, hugs, kisses and.....
Sunday, December 10, 2006
PMP (Parents-meet-Parents) Session
In October, my dad requested a lunch meeting with Hei's parents. His reason: In-laws should not meet only at the day of the wedding, like strangers. Fair enough, but it was rather stressing for hei and I. Firstly, Hei's working schedule is so erectic that its hard to find a time where he is available. Secondly, my parent and his parents cant be anymore different especially in terms of food taste. And lastly, we wondered if they found something to talk about, what were they gonna talk about? Us? Our housing issue? Dowry? The wedding?
Oh well, as it turns out. We went to a Heng Hwa restuarant, which was good because its Hei's mum's dialect and she knows what to order. Besides, its not like a generic chinese cuisine, its quite special. After the formal introduction, the 2 mothers started talking about food and China. My dad participated in the topic but seemed a bit too over zealous at times. Besides, I think his not-so-great lunch appetite made Hei's mum worried that he didn't like the food. Then they started talking about children, again a good common topic where they can all talk about how they don't see their children anymore and both sides trying very hard to show that they are liberal and they are not bother that their children and them have very little contact time. Where in actual fact, both mums does the occasional 'complain' that their children don't spend enough time and they don't see their children.
Otherwise, the 2 hours lunch went above and beyond my expectation. Hei and I could enjoy the wonderful food, have coversations of our own, without having to create conversations between the families or kill awkward silences.
From the bottom of my heart, I would really like to thank Mum and Dad and my soon to be Mother and Father in-law for the easy casual lunch. Of course, thank my soon to be HUSBAND for treating us to lunch.
OMG, HUSBAND still makes my hair stand a bit...
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Maternal Relationship - A love-hate relationship
But all good things have to come to an end someday. Recently, her mother’s actions have left her feeling un-loved and disappointment. It all started with an incident 3 weeks ago.
It was a stormy evening. Looking out at her office window, she could only see the heavy rain platting onto the building and the dark clouds that looms above. It was 6pm and she just wanted to go home after a long day at work. Seeing the bad weather, she called her mum, only to realize that her mum was already home from work. After she enquired if her mum can go over to fetch her mum, her mother’s only cold hearted reply was that she would meet into bad traffic jam at this time. She pleaded with her mum to pick her up as the last few times she went home when it was raining, the rain turned into a storm by the time she reach the bus stop opposite her apartment and she reached home drenched. But her cruel mother simply said no and reassured her that she wouldn’t get sick from being in the rain.
So angry she was with her mother then that she called Australia to her sister and poured her woes.
Then 2 weeks after the incident on a Sunday night, she approached her mother again, asking her mother if her mother could kindly drop her off on the way work. She had earlier organized a department party and brought home 2 banners, a big bagful of excess name badges, a label maker and her working briefcase. Her mother complained that fetching her to work means they always have to leave at 8.15am, causing her to get caught in the peak hour traffic and having her to pay $2 for ERP and be late for work. A sharp pain ran through her heart. How can her mother say that? Does her mother not have a single sense of compassion? Her mother has just recently returned to her family business after leaving 15 years ago, her official working hour is from 8.30am to 5.00pm but she has seen her mother leaving home only at 8.10am and returning home as early at 2pm often. Besides, having only started work less than 6 months, her mother has taken leave to go Indonesia and China for holidays. So obviously work timing is flexible in the company, so what is 20 mins late for work?
Having to door slammed in her face twice, she learnt never to ask her mother again.
To her mother, the grass is always greener on the other side. Other children are more filial, obedient and successful. Other people’s husband is more caring, loving and romantic. Yet her mother always fails to see that her daughters try their very best. At least they fetch and pick her up almost all the time when she asked, listen to her woes about their father and provide for the family as much as they can. Her father, although grumpy sometimes and an untidy man of few words, cleans up the balcony everyday and bothers to take time out to vacuum and mops the floor. Her mother simply chooses to criticize how dirty the house is and noone bothers to clean except her.
This constant negativity coupled with her mother’s tantrums simply makes living with her mother so unbearable at times. Who wants to be a punching bag for no rhyme or reason?
She has decided that it’s not worth being upset over her mother this way. No confrontation will come to any good and her mother would simply think that it is just another one of her daughter’s way to rebel. She has decided to live and let die, she will just speak to her mother minimally and never to ask for another thing.
Planet Fitness at VivoCity
One thing is constant is this newly opened gymnasium, the lousy air-conditioning & sound system in the fitness class. The over-whelming participants in each class mean there’s a constant competition for fresh air. Maybe this is the goal of Planet Fitness, to force sweat to purge out of their members as a form of detoxification. The sound system is inhabited by a squeaking alien who enjoys chomping down on potato chips.
After 2 hours at the gym, GETting FIT FOR LIFE, members are greeted with a designer bathroom where the designer seemed to have no thought process in his design concept. The lockers are so magnificently tiny that no normal size gym bag would fit and for members who go to the gym afterwork, it's a dilemma between putting your briefcase or gym bag into the locker. And no, the 2 locker space of hanging area for clothes with a miserable 4 hangers per what it seems like 18 lockers does not help the situation one bit. But Planet Fitness’s toilets motivates one to slim down and GET FIT, the toilet area is so small that a slim person would need to stand at the side just to close the door and the shower curtain is made of heavy PVC material that requires industrial strength to draw. Besides, with a shower pressure even worse than a drizzle, member’s probably doesn’t even want to shower after gym.
Otherwise, the staffs are friendly and the view is great. Afterall, at a cheap price of $65 per month, one can’t possible compare Planet Fitness to the lifestyle club that is Fitness First.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Everything is falling apart
I am trying so hard to keep myself together but it is under control no longer.
Already 3 close friends have cancelled on me. I'm just waiting for more cancellation to come.
Music is not done.
Photo montage is not done.
Invite is not done.
Invite list is not finalise.
I just want a memorable wedding....doesnt seem like thats gonna happen anymore...
Friday, November 24, 2006
I spent at least half hour crying my heart out.
What did we do wrong?
Why we didn't get it?
Did we not submit our application early enough?
Did we not appear enthusiastic about the flat when we went to view it?
Did we fill in the application wrongly?
How could we have better our chances in getting a flat?
When did they decide who got the flat?
Who actually got the flat?
Is god playing tricks on us?
At least now, if we buy a resale flat, we probably can get it a more affordable price, a bigger unit and in a more mature estate. So it can free up our finances a bit and it may be easier to sell in future. More importantly
Sales Registration Number :5000647F
We are sorry to inform that your application for The Premiere at Tampines is unsuccessful due to overwhelming number of applications. As we have informed in the Sales Brochure, we are inviting applicants up to two (2) times the flat supply to select a flat.
Your queue position has exceeded 2 times the flat supply available for sale.
Thank you for your keen interest in this project.
Sunday, November 19, 2006

A movie of good looking people who drive 3sec cars, live the high life and gamble enough to feed a small country in Asia. Whats there not to like?
I wasn't extremely keen to watch this movie, but after paying $9.00 and spending about 2.5 hours in the cinema, I didn't felt like it was a waste of time. Sure the movie has it flaws and it was TOO LONG for a action flick, but the first 10 mins of action was unbelievable (Even better than Jackie), the cars and the hotel room and the beach was divine and Daniel Craig was pleasant to the eye as well. Still, I don't think he is perfect for the part. 007 should have a bad boy, charismatic, playboy look where a woman knows she will only have her heart broken yet unable to resist the charms. He looks too serious, too 'committ-able'. But I was told this is the first episode of 007 and this was what moulded him to what he became, so it ain't half bad.
The LONG poker game was turn-on-ish. I love a man who can play the game and have the poker face... was TOO LONG a movie.....I ended up sighing at the last half hour, wondering when will the movie ever end. For a moment it felt like the Hong Kong series "A Kindred Spirit", too many twist, almost like the director simply doesn't want the movie to end.
The woman could have been more babe-licious. That was a little disappointing.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Our Dilemma
Baby and I are trying to get a place and have been looking for a little crib that we can call our "home"... Though we have been to a few freehold condo, like Costa del Sol, the Bleu, Riveria, The Montage..... realistically, we have only applied for The Premier and have also taken a "number" for Seng Kang after the recent Walk-In-Selection (WIS) by HDB. Obviously, the Premier is our first choice, and if by luck of teh draw, we didnt get the ballot of the place, we would have to settle for SK....
But the thing is, ballot result for the premier will only be out at end Nov, BUT we would have to book for SK (if we so decide to do so) this coming thursday - 16 Nov. Well, it seems as it is, we have 2 choices
1 - To apply for SK... or
2 - give up SK and wait for The Premier
This is currently the hand delt to us...
1 - Apply for SK.
No Money No Talk - An exec unit (if we ARE apply for SK, we are going for Exec unit, nothing else....) cost about slightly more than 300k. We have enquired about a housing loan, and it seems that if the price of the place falls around that range, both our CPF contribution should be able to comfortably cover for the loan repayment, without having to top up cash monthly.
In addition, we can save maybe about 2, 3, even 400 dollars of CPF monthly without having to commit them. In the future, when we so decide to sell the place, we would have some CPF in our account, on top of whatever we can sell the house for.
Planning for our Future - With the place going at 300k, there is a better chance for the place to be sold at a higher price in the future. Currently, SK is not very well developed yet, and I reckon with more young families settling there, DEFINITELY lobby groups will be formed to push for better amenities and infrastruture. That will jack the price of the place higher in the future.
When we wanna sell it in, say 5 years time, we would have some money in CPF (having not committed all our monthly contributions), and having sold the place at higher than 300k, we can afford a better place, and maybe, something like The Montage (freehold), or the Bleu (freehold!) would be realistic. Something that, at the end of the day, belongs to US, after 99 years and not the government....
SIZE Matters - SK Exec units are slightly bigger, at 130 sqm, though the layout is a little.... querky... but I reckon if we can employ partitions or false walls smartly, we can overcome that.
Location, Location, Location - Its near nowhere! To be honest, we hadnt really explored the place, but frolm what we have witness, there arent much malls, not a lotta coffeshops. I dun think there is a swimming pool. There is only an egress/ingress route to TPE/SLE.... sure jam in the morning... Its so inaccessible to anywhere...
First Impression - The flats that we have viewed, the paint on its walls are peeling off. And it dun give us the homely feeling. In anycase, our number is 2739, there are only like 1000+ plus on offer... I reckon by the time it reaches 2739, and the 2,738 people didnt oick the unit that we chose... something is really wrong...
2 - Give up SK and wait for Premier
Our First Home - Whatever we chose, it'll be our first home and we wanted it to be perfect. We wanted something NEW, not something built in 2001, unsold for the next couple of years because ON ONE wanted it.
Size matters - The largest unit is 113sqm, and the corner units that we are eyeing on are 109sqm... But, as before, I think if we can decor it smartly, it shouldn't be that obvious...
Money Talks - With our current combine CPF contributions, to purchase the most expensive unit, we would have to pay 1,4k per month, i.e. we would need to fork out about 100+ in cash, having expanded all our monthly contributions. Thats not a problem for now, but just worried of not being financially flexible in the future... in addition, in the event that one of us loses our job, then what... will we still be able to afford the monthly installment for the premier?
Selling the place - with the place going at 450k, I dun think we can sell it for very much higher, and the freehold condo dream might be... well... a dream... heck lah.... no free hold condo so what.... when we die, we prob wont have anything for the kids, and they can learn to be indenpendent like their mummy and daddy...
9 applicant/1 unit - For every unit in the Premier, there are 9 applicants vying for it.. But that was BEFORE the WIS exercise... hopefully, the number would have dwindled down significantly as majority of the applicants have gone for SK/Punggol/Hougang...
Location, Location, Location - Its Tampines... everthing is there... its near the central... need me to say more?
Premier No More? - It would be an interesting situation if, after we gave up the SK and wait for the premier... and if the ballot results is not in our favour, we would end up without a place... well... guess by then we would have to settle for re-sale...
TOP date - The premier's TOP date is third quarter 2009, compared to SK, which I think... we can move in pretty soon.. that means after we get ROM at the end of this year, we would have to wait for 3 years before we hold our customary wedding. My mum is a little... concern about what the rest of the people will say about me, that I cannot afford a place after marriage and have to stay with her baby's parents.. hello.. not I want... If it helps, i will pop by the construction site to buld the premier with them, just so it can be ready earlier... can my dad "wait" for so long?
Decision, decisions, decision....
Before baby left for phuket, we have decided that we will hold out for the premier... thats what we wanted. whatever happens in the future... its all conjecture and postulation... as the saying goes... when the river flows from the mountain and into the river, there will be fishes... (go figure...)
what would you do?
Friday, November 10, 2006
I am sick. Symptons includes; coughing in the morning, coughing in the afternoon and coughing at night. The cough is dry so there is pain in my throat everytime I cough and because I cough so much, my chest is beginning to hurt too.
On the optimistic side, I am working my abs everytime I cough and they are beginning to ache, like I have doing sit ups.
Doctor, is there some way that I can continue to work my abs involunteeraily yet stop coughing?
Appreciate if you could help.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Well, recently, I stumbled across another article of such. A survey was done and findings shown that Singaporean wants more leisure time, more time with family & more money as compared to more sex. The articled featured 2 interviews; one with a celebrity couple who can't live without sex and 1 single (fugly) actress who prefers shopping to sex (which btw, we feels its simply because she is so fugly noone wants to f*** her anyway).
Anyhoo, that article didn't sit well with me. 1 simple reason. How can you compare sex to money?
It's not an even playing field. Honestly, one can live without sex, but one certainly can't live without money. We no longer live in a world where we can exchange a cow for a sack of rice. We can only exchange dollars for that. So money is critical to the pure survival of a human being. Without money, I will not be able to buy that latest fashion trend, I will not be able to purchase the HOPE OF A BETTER SKIN offered by Clarins, I will not be able to attain my A4 size paper that certifies my prescences in UWA, I wouldn't even be able to buy that $2.30 packet of chicken rice to feed my empty stomach. In conclusion, I WILL DIE.
Sure, the lack of sex in my life will cause pent up frustration which will make my shopping trips unenjoyable, it will make me a very grump and unfriendly driver (which I am already anyway), and make me even more fed up when the waiter at swensen's ask if I wanted a banana spilt. But life goes on. I WILL NOT DIE.
So to that reporter of that article. Shame on you. How could you have not realise this?
On this topic of sex. Men have to understand this. 90%+++ of the woman population do not attain orgasm through vaginal penetration. So stop asking how many times we came, because most of the time? None at all. We have been so disllusion by Samantha from Sex and the City who somehows climax everytime a penis entered her vagina. Is that even remotely possible?
And yes, size do matter. Unfortunately for those who have a small penis and try to make up for it by boosting that you are good in bed. Face the truth, how can a 3inch pencil tip accomplish anything? Men. Try to understand that orgasm for women means quite different. I don't think we are looking for the 'out-of-body', 'yes! yes! yes! yes!' experience.
Don't get me wrong, SEX IS PLEASURABLE.
Friday, October 13, 2006
The Premiere - Our dream home
You dream about your future home, how it would look like, how it would feel like. Even what it will smell like.
Envisioning your dream home brings a smile to you faces, a sense of calmness and a ray of hope to the union.
You talk about it, discussing the colours of the walls and the furniture, the theme of the house.
As you talk, you can't help but feel a ting-ling sensation run through your body, a electricfying sense of excitment.
You just can't wait for day you get the keys.
The gateway to the nest, the door that tangiblise the union, the opening to a life together.
Can you feel it?

Friday, September 22, 2006
'Ok calm down, lets go and buy one now of the rack, there is a mall just downstairs'
Her sister and her immediately flew out of the rehearsal wedding and headed to the mall below. Lucky it was only 3.30pm, there was 2 hours to find a last min dress for the wedding. Calvin Klein, Massimo Dutti, Mango. Price was no longer a consideration, she would charged it to the credit card first. As the 2 sisters ran down the escalator, the bride saw this shop at the corner of her eye, selling some dresses but they were all too colourful. Never mind, I'll keep it in mind, she thought to herself. First to Mango, then to Klein and then all the rest. She needed a dress. She wants to get married.
They headed towards the Mango sign but to their horrors, it was only a window display.
'Where is the damn Mango shop!?!?' The bride started to panick.
The 2 sisters, rushed from shop to shop, only to find all the dresses were in knits. It's the winter fashion, there were no cocktail dress on sale!!!!!
On the verge of an anxiety attack, the bride looked at her watch. Oh no, it was 9.38pm, way past her stipulated ceremony time. And still no dress.
'Oh we saw that shop earlier. VMS or VPMS or something. Where is it?!?!?!!?'
'That way. Quick' She grabbed hold of the brides hand and ran in the opposte direction
They entered a shop named "VMS", it was not a clothing boutique but a lifestyle shop! The only clothes they sell are these dresses from a bohemian designer. Long with a train but made of lyrca and were in earthly shades.
'What choice do I have?' She said, eyes well up in tears.
2 sisters rushed back up to the ceremonial ground, it was close to 11pm and all the guests have arrive. There goes the sunset wedding.
But the ceremonial ground was beautiful, the guests were all sitting on white foldable chairs under a full white tentage. Rose petals littered the path leading to the stage. Although 200 guests turned up instead of the intial RSVP 60 guests. The bride was glad everyone wanted to share her joy.
'Quick do your make-up' exclaim the sister
'How? There is such a long queue for the make up artist'
In the background, the bride heard the emcee of the wedding made an annoucement,'Will all certified pastors/fathers/priest/holy men step to the side of the stage. We need your help to officiate the ceremony.' Afterwhich a group of men and woman stood up and walk towards the stage. Beads of sweat formed at the brides's forehead. There was no solemniser for the wedding!
And still she was queuing for the mark-up artist. Doesn't anyone know its HER BIG day?!?!!?
A soleminser was finally chosen out of the group. It was a young butch whom the bride found her to be familar. Well, at least she is pleasant to look at and have a nice smile.
'No more time, forget about the make up. You have to go' The sister said as she yank the bride's arm.
As they were walking towards the begining of the aisle, the bride caught the eye of her groom. A sense warmth and calmness came over her, all her woes and worries just washed away. Then, she turned and walked towards her father who was going to give her away. This is it, she thought.
In a distance, she heard something shot through the air, followed by a loud boom. Fireworks! Her husband-to-be made the arrangements to have fireworks at the wedding! Tears flowed uncontrollably down her cheeks, she felt a sharp pain through her heart. He has done so much for her, yet, today, she has let him down. The dress was grub, her tardiness is unforgivable and her face was not pleasing to the eye. But she told herself that she can't let him down further. Hooking the arms of her father, the music played and they began their descent down the aisle.
'Why is Poppy balding like CRAZY!? And why is he combing his hair the robin hood way!'
Suddenly, her father stop his stride. The bride turned and saw 8 military men run out of a room. WE FORGOT THE SWORD BEARERS. The military men took their positions with their hands on their swords.
'No. No. We should go through them. Bride and groom should go through the swords. Not us.'
Father then led the bride around the sword bearers. The wedding is turning into a nightmare again, the bride is beginning to get a nervous breakdown.
She finally reach the foot of the stage. As she climbs up, she again feel that rush of warmth. Unfortunately, the feeling only lasted for a moment. There was no table for the signing of the certificate. Both the bride and groom, the witnesses and the pastor knelt down on the floor and began the ceremony. The marriage certificate was a crumpled A4 paper with some text printed on it. The bride felt something was wrong, yet she cant put her finger to it.
'Sorry my name is actually Estella Bte Mohd......' said one of the witness said.
My aunt has suddenly became a Muslim??? When??? The bride thought.
'Yah my husband died and I remarried,' the witness told the pastor.
She turned to her future husband for support and saw him smiling. She asked him what he was smiling about and he pointed up.
The bride looked up, there lies 2 coffins with she and her future husband corresponding picture in front.
'Why does it feels like a funeral?' The groom said in a chuckle......
I jumped up. Checked my handphone and it was 8.10am. Damnit! I just had a nightmare and I'm late for work!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Unleashing of the mahjong monster
But with the husband gone, unleashed the mahjong monster-wife. The not so considerate mahjong monster I would go to the extend of saying even. How come, on the usual weekend, when you can go to your friend's place to play mahjong, you have to bring the mahjong back home. 3 freaking days in a row out of which 2 freaking nights, your daughter asked you very politely to bring it somewhere else. My god, where is the sense of consideration. Do we all not work all week long like you do? Do we not deserve a relaxing, quiet weekend. Will it hurt to go somewhere else? Its not like your friends don't live in big houses with private mahjong rooms. You have to bring them all here, to a tiny 1300sqft space lived by 5 other people and 2 dogs. Why can't you think for someone else other than yourself for a moment.
I am going to implode with frustration and a nagging headache.
Monday, August 28, 2006
The amazing women.
The different roles of a woman. I was never taught that I need to be a good girlfriend, a fillial daughter, a role-model employee, a dependable friend, a reliable sister, a dutiful mother, a tender-loving wife and being myself, all at the same time! No wonder men find it amazing how women can multi-task so successfully.
Take a working mother for example.
At 6am, the dutiful mother wakes her children up for school while preparing the most important meal of the day. Then the employee rushes into the shower, applies the make up that is demanded by the working society, put on the uninteresting working clothes. The dutiful mother re-possess the body, whiz the children into the car and drives them to school. As she drives, she revise the spelling test while the subconcious employee goes through the appointments for the day.
7.15am, the children are in school, the loving wife calls her husband to wake him up for work,
several times. Caught in the jam at CTE, the employee, touch up on her lipstick and checks her appearance in the mirror, doing all this while being on the phone for the last time, screaming at the man to wake up!
9.00am, just made it in time, the day shall now start.
10am, the fillial daughter must now answer to her mother why she hasn't gone home for the past few weeks for dinner while the employee types the long overdue report.
12nn Lunch time. The woman slips into the gym for some 'me' time and hurry through a fat free yoghurt and a veggie sandwich at the remaining 15mins at lunch time. Mustn't put on anymore weight, the husband's company annual dinner is round the corner. Must be trophy wife.
1pm After the wife sms an erotic message to her husband. The employee excuses herself from the meeting because the mother needs to check to see if the children are home.
6pm The employee goes home, immediately, the mother takes over and miraclously whip up a 4 course dinner in 30mins with just some meat, eggs, some veggie and mushrooms.
9pm The dutiful mother finish up clearing homework with her children. She tucks the children into bed and she hops into the bath for some 'me' time.
10pm The wife now slips into the sexy lingere she just bought. Going commando, the wife bends to right in front of the TV, allow her husband full view of EVERYTHING. Her husband closes his mouth, follows his wife into the bedroom
12mn A final gasp of moan from the sensual woman as she comes, she still feels her husband throbbing hardness in her. The wife knew her husband was a happy man.
1230mn Cuddling time over. The mother reach over to the bedside table and sets the alarm for tomorrow.
The multiple roles starts again at 6am.
Sunday, August 27, 2006

Easily, my favorite movie this year!
The Break Up dealt with issues that is so real. Issues that I can certainly relate to and am sure Blacks understand as well! As we were watching Jennifer Anniston fight with Vince Vaugh aboutt the lemons and the flowers and the dishes, I couldn't help but lean over to Blacks and whisper "Oh my god, we fight about that too!" The movie made me laugh, cry, heartbroken, touched and everything else a person feels throughout the course of any relationship. Sure! don't think anyone would go through the lengths of this 2 people when they break up just to spite one another but the emotions are so close to heart.
People, go watch this movie , and mebbe we will learn how to better appreciate the one we truly love.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Our first holiday together

We have finally taken a trip together. The timing was perfect as it was straight after the

And off we went, shopping, eating, shopping, eating. Blacks took me by surprise for the

The best thing was going to Bangkok and ended up in Paris and Mexico!
But it was nonetheless 4 magical days we had. So thats the end of our short holiday and the beginning of our lifes together as 1

I just want to be his wife
Thank you Captain Tay for making it all possible.
What has the whole wedding/proposal changed? It has certainly changed my entire perspective on life. My sisters who know me well, knows that I am one who is not good with emotional chat. I don't say that I will always be there for them because I think they will know it and I don't tell them everything will be ok when they are facing a rut in their lifes because I know I will do all in my power to make things right for them. So no, Im not one who is good with emotional words. Yet, today, I find myself full of emotions. Full of emotionals words which I want to say. Full of emotions that are bursting out of me.
When I was younger, I didn't dream about the grand wedding. I didn't envision myself in the white gown walking down the aisle into the arms of my knight in shining armour. I've always wanted to be identified for my success (in a little way I still do). My vision was to climb the corporate ladder and be identified to be the best in the business. To have that big office with the view. To wear that power suit and have a team of people working under me. To drive that luxury car and dine in fine restaurants. To be RICH & FAMOUS.
But since I met him, my entire life has changed. Xiaohei became my life. I am happy just to be with him. I don't mind if we eat simple food everyday as long as we eat together. We have just spent the most wonderful 4 days in Bangkok and it felt so good to just be in a world where theres just me and him. I can't imagine how much I can love someone but I love him so much. As we were walking along the streets of Bangkok at night, I was not only scared that we might get mugged but I had this deep innate fear that the mugger will kill him and I will lose Xiaohei forever. Just that thought cause a sharp pain through my heart. I now really understand what does it mean by not being able to live without a person. I can't live without him.
I just want to be his wife.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Singapore Idol 2006
This is my run-down on those who I watched yesterday;
a) Joakim
Flat flat flat flat flat flat flat! He sings flat. And his constant 'hopping' gives me a headache watching him. And he calls it dance, and the judges calls it dancing?!! I don'y understand how Dick Lee can say that Joakim only need to lift and finger and girls will scream. Scream at what?!?! I watch him and there is only 1 thing I see, his giant nose. I can't help but think of Shrek when I see it.
b) Paul 2Hill
Lucky he is only 17. The way he keeps flipping his hair forward like that, if he was 27, he will suffer a severe WHIPLASH!! Besides, the whole deal with his hair and his eyeliner was interesting and intriguing for a while, after a while, he just seems like he has only that trick up his sleeve.
c)Jay Lim
Cheena Piang should really stick to singing at 名歌餐厅。 When he sang 'If you're not the one', I actually felt physically nausea.
d) Nurul
Ok vocals. But no idol look.
e) Jonathan
He is actually my favourite of the bunch but a bit tired of listening to him sing rock songs only.
Give up Singapore. Lets focus our talents elsewhere
Monday, July 10, 2006
I just wanna be his wife.
Thank you Captain Tay for making it all possible.
What has the whole wedding/proposal changed? It has certainly changed my entire perspective on life. My sisters who know me well, knows that I am one who is not good with emotional chat. I don't say that I will always be there for them because I think they will know it and I don't tell them everything will be ok when they are facing a rut in their lifes because I know I will do all in my power to make things right for them. So no, Im not one who is good with emotional words. Yet, today, I find myself full of emotions. Full of emotionals words which I want to say. Full of emotions that are bursting out of me.
When I was younger, I didn't dream about the grand wedding. I didn't envision myself in the white gown walking down the aisle into the arms of my knight in shining armour. I've always wanted to be identified for my success (in a little way I still do). My vision was to climb the corporate ladder and be identified to be the best in the business. To have that big office with the view. To wear that power suit and have a team of people working under me. To drive that luxury car and dine in fine restaurants. To be RICH & FAMOUS.
But since I met him, my entire life has changed. Xiaohei became my life. I am happy just to be with him. I don't mind if we eat simple food everyday as long as we eat together. We have just spent the most wonderful 4 days in Bangkok and it felt so good to just be in a world where theres just me and him. I can't imagine how much I can love someone but I love him so much. As we were walking along the streets of Bangkok at night, I was not only scared that we might get mugged but I had this deep innate fear that the mugger will kill him and I will lose Xiaohei forever. Just that thought cause a sharp pain through my heart. I now really understand what does it mean by not being able to live without a person. I can't live without him.
I just want to be his wife.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
My test.....
'Through the good times and the bad.
Sickness and in health
Til death do us part....'
My test this time is sickness.....Blacks has been running a high fever for 2 straight days and I as the adoring running high and low, trying to bring his fever down and tending to his every needs....
I think i pass.....but must wait for the official results to come out when he gets better....
Monday, June 26, 2006
Have you ever wondered?
Have you every wondered who attracts you and who you are attracted to?
Is there a prototype, a single type of person that attracts you? As my eyes glazed at the man who is lying beside me in bed, I see a different side of him from everyone. To me, he is a gentle man of few words, funny and sometimes a bit childish yet lovable and dotes on me. To others, he is a stern firm man of few words, serious and mature. Sometimes, I dunno why I'm drawn to him. I dunno why I love him so much. And I dunno why he loves me so. I cried the night he told me he wanted to marry me. I cried happy tears for I din know that we would really one day be married. The day I told him I was surprise we were actually getting married because we talk about it so much I always thought we would be one of those couple that simply talk about it. He replied in the most non-chalently of ways, he said to me that I don;t know how much he wants to marry me. My heart stopped. I gasped my breath as my eyes felt a stinging sensation. I love him. I love him very very much and YES I DO!
Have you ever wondered whether the saying 'a rainbow after a storm' is true and applicable to life?
To me I think its true. I am experiencing it now. I was riding on a rainbow last year when I worked at PICO, after enduring a storm of unemployment. Then this year, I rided out the storm of C*****S storm and now I am finally reaping the benefits. I got a new job!!!!
Have you ever wondered what it takes to make a person smile?
I made 2 people smile today. The birthday gift that E-Chiing and I bought for E-Lin's birthday has reached her 1 week early. We bought her a sexy lingerie to aid in her birth-making. I received a word of thanks for my dear dear brother-in-law who seems happier receiving the gift than E-Lin, I was told.
Have you ever wondered whether you can hurt your eardrum?
Well, my dad has apparently done so, puncturing his eardrum on his flight back from Hattyai. Now, he is walking around with some cotton wool in his ear because the 'direct' sound actually makes his ear hurt.
Have you ever wondered what actually goes on in an animal's head?
Aren't we all still figuring that out.
- Love...a wife to
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
The World Cup began. The game that unites the world. The game that stopped a war temporarily. 11 men per team. 90mins of play. Its addicitive.
I married a girlfriend off. A a true blue Teochew, we were all up at 3am, ready to negotiate a good price for the lovely bride. At 5am, she was in the hands of her husband. Ready to take on the world together. As the bridesmaid help with the entire processions for the day, we made friends and had out own fun together with the best men. It also dawn upon me that I really don;t want a traditional clad wedding. Too much work. Too much customs that I dont comprehend!
But as I finally watch her walk down the aisle towards the Justice of Peace, my lips quivered and tears flowed uncontrollably down my cheeks. My Lynn is getting married!!!!
With every celebration of life, there is a death. One of my former teacher passed away Tuesday morning. After struggling with cancer for the past few years, she finally succumb to it and left to the kingdom of the lord. As I sat at the wake reminisicing old times with friends I havent seen in many years, we remembered her and thanked her for her dedication in our hearts. I also notice that although her family was sadden by her passing, they also showed signs of relieve and thankful that she no longer needed to suffer the pain. That she finally was able to let go and move on. It dawned upon me that death is not neccessarily the be all and end all of things. Death although inevitable, can be a good thing sometimes. And death, can be a celebration of life as well. Thank you Ms Peh. I am really sorry I didn't make the effort to see you for the last time before you go.
Friday, May 26, 2006
I'm sure everyone has met a benefactor at some point in their life. Be it the intelligent but financially poor student who did received a scholarship from a fund. Or the kind lady who always cooks a little extra at home so she can give some food to her neighbour. Or the man whose quick reflexes pull a pedestrain away from a potential accident. Or simply a kind hearted man who feeds the starving neighbourhood cats every evening. Just someone who is there at the right place and the right time to give the appropriate aid needed. They need not be someone rich or famous like Lee Foundation who give financial aid or Oprah Winfrey who travelled to Africa to show comfort to starving children. Benefactors come in all shapes and sizes, all walks of life, all background. It could be anyone. It might just be you.
I hope I am someone benefactor, if not now, I hope I will be. I don't need gratification but I hope I have helped someone enough or will help someone enough that their lifes are positively affected.
I am thankful and grateful to my very own benefactors. Not just the people close to me and love me unconditionally but also those who didn't even know me well. The famous one which I have thanked constently, Alf who gave me the chance, the break. I feel blessed to have met them and from the bottom of my heart. THANK YOU.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Almost a quater of my life crisis
More of a coming to another cross-roads.
I met my best friend of 9 years the other day and was feeling really bumped because I just had a very insulting job offer and didn't think I was going anywhere in life. So wondered where have our 9 years gone to? We have mutual friends who are very successful to me but she told me that it was not me to be like them. To have my life pathed out and structured. Part of me feels that I am more free-spirited too like she said yet I seek some stability in life?
As I sit across her and sit to her consol and advise me, Im hearten that I have people who loves me and such wise friends I have!
Oh well, I suppose all things will come in time and to those who work for them and I intent to work my ass off.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Bearer of dreams
Recently I had my first supernatural dream. I meant that I dreamt of a decease relative; my grandmother. Chinese believe that deceased relative sometimes enter their relative's dream to pass on a message, to ask for something or simply to let them know that they are alright. I've never dreamt of anyone deceased before so when I recently dreamt of my deceased grandmother, I didn't think much of it. Not sure whether its actually because I really still miss her or she really came into me to tell me something, but the dream was so vivid.
Dream 1
I dreamt that E-Chiing had passed me $150 (2 $50 bill and 5 $10 bills) and told me to pass it to my grandmother. As I was going to my grandmother's house, I was grumbling at what would my grandmother do with $150, afterall, she was wheel-chaired bounded and its not that she would go shopping and stuff. And even as I passed her the money, I was still grumbling.
I didn't think much of it. But after tell my E-Chiing and my mother. My mother went to the temple and 'asked' my grandmother whether she really need money thats why she came to my dream. And she 'replied' Yes.
Dream 2
I was back at my old house. I had my bath towel around my neck and was going to the bathroom to shower. But somehow, I walked to the kitchen. My old house was such that you will have to go past the dining room to the kitchen and as I was opening the kitchen door, I realise that I had walked to the room place to shower. So I closed the door back and was past the dining room again. But this time, lying in the dining room was my grandmother's coffin. It was like the wake again because there was the joss sticks and the picture and everything. And as I walk past, I actually waved to the coffin and whispered 'Bye Bye Grandma'.
Dream 3
I don't remember much but I had climb down a long long stair case and when I reached the ground floor. I walked towards a table where there was my grandmother's urn with again the joss sticks burning. I picked up the joss stick, litted it and prayed to my grandma.
Whether its a case of my missing my grandma still or not, I'm glad to have such a connection with her. Although we were very close when she was alive, I'm glad to feel that she loves me. And actually thinks about me. I miss you Seng Choon Ah-Ma. Thanks for being an awsome grandmother.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
What I did;
The conference went great. To say it was flawless would be a lie. Of course there were hitches, there were bitches and some serious lack fo sleep but I thought it was all good
OH MY GOD!!!!!! I bought so much!!!! Whatever you see below is only for the first day! Im so broke.

Monday, April 03, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Love, death and separation.
Let's see. Gotta start somewhere. Oh well, from the top then.
Hasn't been the best lately. I have tendered my resignation after thinking for a while. Not sure what my next move is, hopefully its nearer to my dream. I am grateful to all my colleagues who have been nothing but friendly and supportive from the day I started work. Well, at least I made a new batch of friends. Good friends I might add.
I will take away from work a valuable experience. One which I have learn plenty from, yet nothing at all. Does it make sense?
Blacks and I have been so busy lately, its crazy. We haven't had much time to spend with each other at all and the times we do, we are too tired for anything. Lets just look forward to a better April.
I have also recently learnt that a girl who used to be my friend has gotten married. Im kinda sad, not because she has gotten married, but we used to be rather close. It is because of love that we arrive to where we are today. We aren't friends anymore. We are not even aquaintence. Just a faded memory.
I also recently met a friend who is pregnant with her first child. I touched a pregnant woman's stomach truly for the 1st time. I have a slight fear in touching their stomach because I always feel that its like a bomb, once i touch it will explode! It was very heartfelt looking at her. Made me feel for once to have a baby of my own?
My Grandma who is 93 years old died 1 week ago. Its the first time I really felt a sense of loss and I broke down during the funeral. Although, I do know that her death may not be the worst thing to happen.
As March comes to a close. I just want to look forward to a better April. Tho it doesnt seem like it.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
The miracles of network Television
In this sleepy town of Tanjong Katong, Joo Chiat,used to lie this small little food stall pretty unknown to the whole world. Opened by 3 young man from Malaysia, this food stall sells crayfish noodles and herbal chicken soup. For 4 months or so, since they first open, business was quiet and slow. Passerby came by and was curious about this new dish, tried and left.
Until 1 day, it was featured on a food show on our very own Singapore network television. POW WOW BOW, people came from far and wide. Queues started forming. And this little food stall is not so little anymore.
The power of television. Wow.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Our Babies!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006
My new movie idea
I haven't thought of the title but a brief idea was to call it;
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Wedding & Marriage

I accompanied a friend today, to the bridal shop that she was going to get her wedding dress from. She had earlier showed me a picture of the dress and after hearing my comments, she decided she bring me to the shop for me to see her wear and give comments.
But looking at all the beautiful dress, I became very excited for the day to come when I wear my WHITE DRESS. Just off hand, I think I would like a tube dress, with some diamonte for detailing purpose but a relatively big can can. Plunging back line and no lace.
A few months back I went on QUEEN VERA WANG website to have a look at her designs. Now, I feel that although I think her design philosophy is 'less is more', I think I would like more detailing. I went back to her website today and found most of the gowns quite simple. But I wondered whether it was the models that made me unexcited.
I hope when its my turn i find that perfect dress that fits my imperfect body.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Grow Old With You
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you
I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you
I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Headline news!
Another case of 'body parts' murder has been discovered at the lift lobby of Block 447, Hougang Avenue 8, today. The body of the victim, a white female believed to be a model, was found naked and scattered loosely. Her pelvis and right leg was found dangling off the post boxes. It is believed that the murder has decided to challenged the authorities by this seemingly sadistic joke.
2 civic minded couple found her body on 1st January 2006 while visiting the man's mother at her Hougang flat. The woman still shaken by their finding said that they had notice some 'sitting' on top of the postal box from afar and suspicious, however, it was broad daylight and they didn't think such a balant dumping of body would occur.
The victim's naked upper body and left leg were found in the near by rubbish bin some 2 meters away. The rubbish bin seemed to have been rumaged and the authorities believed that the killer must be been looking for something in the rubbish bin.
No blood stains nor fingerprints were found at the scene. The authorities are appealing to the public to call 1800-Igot-atip (1800-4468-2847) should anyone have any information about the murder.
Monday, January 02, 2006
to my family, my friends, my acqquaintances and random people who simply just browse through this senseless blog.
I wish for everyone to be healthy and well this year.
I wish for everyone to TAN DUA LUI (hokkien for EARN BIG BUCKS!)
I wish for everyone to find their true romance or at least have a fun filled journey in their romantic lives.
I wish for everyone to find fulfillment in whatever you do ie. work, study, work & study.
I wish for everyone to wake up every morning thinking it would be a great great day...and it is.
I wish for everyone to never have nightmares
I wish for everyone to fulfill their dreams
To my family:
Dad: I wish for you to have more more money!!!
Mum: I wish for you to find your path. To be able to holiday more and play more mahjong where you'll win win win!!!
E-Lin: I wish for you to have your bundle of joy, make me an AUNTIE!
E-Chiing: I wish for you to sing better. To get more job offers that pay you great and to DANCE DANCE DANCE!!!
To my friends:
Jessie: May your route towards PhD goes smoothly.
Huiru: May you find yourself, and your destiny.
Lynnette: To always have the exquisite taste in all aspects of life. May you find your ALEX TOH.
Debby: Hmmmm.....I actually dunno what to wish you for....MORE MONEY!
Wendy: To always win at the wordy games
MC: To never be sad, upset, depress and moody. Happy!!!!
Lynn: I hope you can find your true happiness. You deserve it
Love you guys.. All of you.